Hello! My name is Undine aka Catunje.
I am a 23 year old hobby artist currently living in the Netherlands with my boyfriend and 2 cats.
I got introduced to Magic the Gathering and started playing back in 2007 with the Lorwyn block, which remains untill this day one of my favourite sets.
Over the years I unfortunately lost touch due to having no one to play with and a lack of time due to work. After I moved to the Netherlands I picked it back up after introducing it to my boyfriend and later decided to give altering a spin.
I went to the nearest store that carried Warhammer paints, picked up the most basic supplies, and smeared away.
Ever since I have been trying to improve and enhance the beauty of the cards we all love and admire.
Since then a year has passed and I decided to open my website and business to more than just my close friends and share my passion with as many people as possible!
I hope you enjoy your stay here and have a look around. If you have any questions you can always contact me via my contact form, Instagram or Discord (Ellath_Elly
Much Love,
Undine aka. Catunje